SKILLS: Creative direction // Project management // UX/UI design // Brand designer // Marketing
COO -Founder
Creative Director
UX/UI Designer
MAG s.r.l.
Ruleat is a Saas-based on cloud service born to improve the hospitality field’s service. Ruleat allows real-time communication between chef, waiter and manager by creating a seamless connection with the customers.
All the interaction are managed by our android/iOs app in four version: one for customers, one for waiters, one for the kitchen, one for the manager. All together they create a system that is able to improve service and collect useful data for Owners.
Challenge & Research
The idea born by studying the restaurant of Ruleat’s co-founder and after research and survey, we were able to outline the common restaurant problems. In Particular, we focused on:
1) lack of communication between waiter and chef
2) data from existing software were difficult to analyze and so utilize
3) lack of a tool to objectively evaluate the staff performance
This was our MVP.
From the competitor’s study, we discovered that all current system had in common the use of expensive proprietary hardware mainly connected to the managing of the cash desk.
By using Personas we defined our target and the ideal restaurant archetype.
// APP sketch //
APP Design
From this study, we decide that our service was instead based on improving customer experience and restaurant’s workflow. After the research, we decide the more useful function to include in the first version.
I was now able to wireframe and prototype our idea to begin testing with different restaurants, this allowed me to design the best UX/UI together with the actual users. As we wanted to start in the Italian market, where restaurant owners are not tech ready yet, the app was designed to be as easy as possible to use during fast work sessions. For this reason, in the first version, I made all function explicit by clear text instead of icons, and high contrasting colours to improve readability.
// Wireframe of dashboard for Restaurant owner //
// Final Design of dashboard for Restaurant owner //
// Wireframe of APP for Customer & Waiter //
// Final Design of APP for Customer & Waiter //
To place our startup in the food-related company and to make it stand-out we created a new word from the union of the word Rule and Eat, playing with the similar sound of Rule it, meaning that the customer from his side has a better control and experience and the owner can manage better his business. Even more this name, “RULEAT”, is able to link our service to big existing service, like Justeat, and so it could sound already familiar to our client. Orange is our brand colour, it represents our fresh and dynamic service and it is never been using from any big service in the industry.
// Sketch for Logo //
// Mark Construction //
// Color //
// Typography //
// Special Typography //
// Full Logo //
// Phone & Tablet icon //
To advertise our app and reach new customers we used content marketing through our blog and the use of infographic on facebook and facebook ads, we were able to convert many restaurant owners in early adopters. In addition to this, as Italian restaurant’s owners are still conservative, we used telephone marketing or direct connection from our sellers.
We were able to start our business thanks to two business angels the invested €30K when the idea was still on paper, we were so able to build our team. In June 2017 we were selected by Luiss Enlabs of LVenture Group, the most important startup accelerator in Italy, and we receive a seed of €80K. During the period in Enlabs I studied the “Lean” method while developing and improving Ruleat.
Today Ruleat is in fundraising with a value of €1.3M .
City: London / Milan / Rome
Phone: (UK) +44 07 99 999 47 21
(IT) +39 393 33 17 689
City: London / Milan / Rome
Phone: (UK) +44 07 99 999 47 21
(IT) +39 393 33 17 689